Tabacos Madrid - Estanco . Expendeduría 846 . Tobacco Shop - Spain

Legal notice

To acomplish the art. 10 of the Law 34/2002, of July 11, of services of the Information Society and Electronic Trade (LSSICE) we show the following data and identification of our company.


Responsible: Identity: Tobacco shop Expendeduría 846 - NIF: 70046975S Address: C/Goya, 7 – Pasaje Comercial. 28001 - Madrid Telephone: 914312219 Email:


This website has been created by the company Tobacco shop Expendeduría 846 just for information and for personal use of the users. Through this legal Notice, we pretend to regulate the access and use of this website, as well as the relation between the website and users. Acceding to this website the following terms and conditions are accepted: The access to this website is an exclusive responsibility of the users.


The simple access to this website means no trading relation at all between Tobacco shop Expendeduría 846 and user. The access and the navigation in this website means the acceptance and knowledge of legal warnings, conditions and terms of use contained in it.


In name of the company we process the information given by users in order to answer  questions, suggestions or requests of information about our products and services that we offer through email or telephone. The given data will be kept unless you decide to stop the relation.  Given data will not be shared with other companies  except for a legal request. You have the right to obtain confirmation about if in Tobacco shop Expendeduría 846 we are processing your personal data, therefore you have the right to access to your personal data, to rectify the inaccurate data or to request delete of them when the data is not needed any more for the purpose they were given for.

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Página propiedad de :

Estanco de Tabacos Expendeduría 846. Calle Goya 7 . Pasaje Comercial. 28001 - Madrid.

Reservados derechos nombres e imágenes.

Prohibida su reproducción total o parcial.